No Covers!


Midnight. - 5 seasoned musicians from Dinslaken, Germany, who freshly create rock songs of the beefier kind. First and foremost a ROCK band, the Midnight. repertoire also incorporates influences of hard rock, metal, alternative, pop und gothic – and always highly melodic!


In the German Ruhr and Lower Rhine area Midnight. are well known for rock with cracking guitars, memorable and catchy tunes. The Cult, Danzig, The Mission oder Bad Religion would be proud of having written some of their songs, which nevertheless remain identifiable as typical Midnight. songs in their own right.


Detlef Frömmel's guitar style is clearly influenced by the likes of Ritchie Blackmore and Eddie van Halen, and is carried by the solid rhythmic foundation of bassist Stefan Wiewiora and drummer Jörg Claaßen.


Above everything, there are the confident vocals of main composer Bernd Leschinski, lending the songs a crucial grain of expressive power - with support of new singer Agnes Rudolph-Klementz, who joined the Midnight. lineup in 2023.


Not needing to play any cover songs, Midnight. enthrall their audience on live gigs every time, while the band literally give EVERYTHING they have got!


The sixth CD ELECTRIC by Midnight. - including 17 new songs – has just surfaced in 2021, and is available HERE.


New CD album ELECTRIC now on Amazon!

Even 3 albums are available on jpc und WOM , plus audio samples!

Album burn! on Amazon, Spotify, Deezer etc. as stream und download!



The album BURN!

This is the translation of the article below from prestigious German musicians' magazine „Gitarre & Bass“ (I've tried my very best) fom 2015:


"The band from Dinslaken really rocks on their fifth album „Burn!“, shows Alternative and Hard Rock roots, but also Funk influences.Crunchy riffing alternates with more lean verse parts.The choruses are catchy, while singer Bernd Leschinski often shows that a Rock'n'Roll heart beats in his chest. In the meantime his pathos resembles 80s Goth rockers like Wayne Hussey/The Mission.Some faster lines and tappings in fat distortion sound tend in a Metal direction, some other solos show more bluesy influences.The bonus video clip is fun, too. All that turns out really good! Straight songs with unexpected twists off and on."

Small history of the band:


- Founded in 1989 as „Size 8“ (Bernd: vocals & guitar, Jobel: guitar, Hermie: bass, Claasi: drums)

- First lineup change (new bass player Stefan) and new band name „Dr. Midnight“ in 1991

- 1993 first album „Nightworks“

- Another lineup change (guitarist Jobel leaves) and new name „Midnight.“ as a three-piece band (self titled CD in  1997)

-  2002 album „Entangled“ as a four-piece band with new guitar player Deti

- The same year another guitar player is added (Thomas), Bernd puts the guitar aside and concentrates on singing and composing

- 2007: Bernd leaves the band following musical differences, interim singer Christopher steps in

- 2009: CD „u_got_mail“ (songs mainly by Bernd, but sung by Christopher)

- 2011: Bernd's glorious return

-2015: Sensational new album „burn!“

-2021: Midnight.'s longest (66 min), stylistically most diverse and best sounding  album ELECTRIC sees the light of day, with no less than 17 great rocking songs!

-2023: Guitarist Thomas Dickmann leaves the band, while singer Agnes Rudolph-Klementz joins the Midnight. lineup